Old Meeting House, 1220 Battle Street, Webster, NH

The Society for the Preservation of the Old Meeting House in Webster, NH uses its legal Trade Name,  Webster Historical Society  (certificate)
(Mailing address:   Webster Historical Society, 1215 Battle Street, Webster, NH 03303

This is Webster

This is a small booklet in PDF format.  All links are active.  If the file does not open automatically on your computer, look in your download folder.

History Committee and the Next History Book
The book Webster, New Hampshire History, 1933-1983 was published early the next year by the Webster History Committee.  Members are listed in the book itself as Mabel Anderson, Patricia Inman, Marjorie Blanchette, Marion Jones, Edna Frost, Elizabeth Pearson and Beverly Russell, few of whom are still alive.  The older history books are out of copyright and may be found in the archive.

History reports for 1984-2014 and 2019-2022

The Society is serious about Genealogy: see the Genealogy page for the latest.

Houses  report, (some with questionable dates) containing information from the 1983 history book and public tax records.  Please contact the Society if you have additional information and photos about your house.

The  public area Artifacts folder of the Webster Digital Archive contains thousands of historic photos, many diaries, letters, and several oral histories from the 1970s.  The public area also contains all the Town of Webster Annual Reports, and the available Town Hall Meeting minutes.  (NH towns’ Annual Reports may also be found on the UNH digital archive website in searchable PDF format.)

The Old Meeting House was listed in the Historic American Buildings Survey in 1964, placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985, and added to NH Register of Historic Places in July, 2020.  It is also registered with GuideStar.

This website was last updated on March 24, 2025
by Dot Bourque.